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Ongoing (c) Giovanni Zazzera_DSCF0768.JPG



Dance educator – Dancer – Social worker

Nationality: Liechtenstein

Languages: German, English, French, Luxembourgish



Sandra Beck is a social worker and dance educator based in Luxembourg since 2012. Born and raised in Liechtenstein, she worked in marketing and sales before taking new paths. After studying Education and Social Work at the University of Luxembourg (2013-2017), she completed her qualification in Interdisciplinary Dance Education (Interdisziplinäre Tanzvermittlung/Tanzpädagogik) at the Akademie der Kulturellen Bildung in Remscheid, Germany (2018-2022). Here she specialised in Inclusive Dance and Community Dance, including partaking in DanceAbility, contemporary dance and somatic dance practices with, amongst others, Dr. Fabian Chyle-Silvestri, Jo Parkes, Saša Asentić, Doris Uhlich, Trude Cone, Jan Burkhardt, Isabelle Schad and Katharina Conradi.


Sandra has been part of the project “blanContact” since 2014, a dance project for dancers with and without disabilities. She has also been working as a dance teacher for Trisomie 21 Lëtzebuerg for several years and from 2021 onwards extended her regular dance classes to other social institutions, such as for Autisme Luxembourg, Ligue HMC, Alter & Go, Parkinson Luxembourg, Maredoc and Demenz Liechtenstein.


Sandra is a member of LUCODA – Luxembourg Collective of Dance. In collaboration with other members, she has led various projects such as the inclusive workshops “ACTiDANSE”, dance, movement workshops for Femmes en Détresse, a dance project for Semaine de la Santé Mentale and the project “Ongoing” and the project “Ongoing” and the project “Moien, mir si Gefiller !”. 


As a social worker, Sandra is interested in combining social work with dance and especially in using dance as a method in social work. In addition to this, she advocates for more inclusion in dance and culture and is a member of the network “MOSAIK Kultur Inklusiv”.

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