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Sandra Beck

Born and raised in Liechtenstein, Sandra is currently based in Luxembourg since 2012. Before studying Education and Social Work at the University of Luxembourg (2017), she worked in marketing and sales in Liechtenstein and Switzerland. She made her first dance steps in jazz, modern dance and ballet; today she focuses on contemporary dance and Tai Chi. Since 2015 Sandra is part of the project “blanContact” as amateur dancer. She has also been working as a dance teacher for “Trisomie 21 Lëtzebuerg asbl” since 2017. Sandra is currently completing her qualification in “interdisciplinary dance education (Interdisziplinäre Tanzvermittlung/Tanzpädagogik)” at the “Akademie der Kulturellen Bildung” in Remscheid, Germany, with a specialisation in Inclusive Dance and Community Dance.

As a Social Worker, Sandra is interested in combining social work with dance and especially in using dance as a method in social work. In addition to this, her interests lie in Inclusive Dance/Community Dance, the DanceAbilty method and somatic dance practices. Sandra regularly teaches people with and without disabilities and is convinced that dance is not only for fun but can make a difference in each person’s life.

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